Komodo Tours Travel News Labuan Bajo Becomes A Waterfront City

Labuan Bajo Becomes A Waterfront City

Post By : BCK • September 30, 2020 • views : 1,479


Labuan Bajo BCK News:
Brantas Abipraya Corporation (Persero) as one of the state construction corporations shows its commitment as a BUMN which always works for the state. Currently it claims to take up the responsibility of managing the national tourism strategic area (KSPN) at the beach area of Marina Pramuka hill Labuan Bajo East Nusa Tenggara (NTT). This area is predicted to elevate Labuan Bajo as a world class waterfront city.
"This project will launch on september 29. We commit to complete the project at the end of 2021 with a total of 15 months of working period. Certainly we will concentrate on quality, but also prioritizing the healthcare and safety of the employees, " says Syafriandy as the Senior Project Manager of  PT Brantas Abipraya (Persero) in his statement, Friday (25/9/2020).

Adding to the perfection of this project Brantas Abipraya is required to prioritize its artistic dimension, which complies with the statement of General Labor and Housing Minister (PUPR), Basuki Hadimuljono. In his visit to Labuan Bajo last august he stated that we have to maintain the beauty which is developing, because we hope this will become the best world class waterfront.
To support the Labuan Bajo city waterfront management, Brantas Abipraya focuses on the developments of zone 3 and 5. Zone 3 development includes building a passenger terminal, tourist information center, office and waiting room. The atmosphere of this zone will become more comfortable when the development is completed.

It will also build an amphitheater and an open stage so that the visitors will be able to enjoy various shows and entertainments. Its beauty will be lifted up by adding statues. At zone 5 it will build an area for kiosks to ensure the comfort of the visitors with culinary tourism.
Despite the beach area development this red plate construction corporation shows its commitment for Indonesia through the building of a multipurpose terminal in Wae Kelambu Labuan Bajo.
"We are very serious with the development program of making Labuan Bajo a premium tourist destination to show a clear proof of Brantas Abipraya entity as a developer which always provides its best construction for the nation, so that Labuan Bajo will be visited by more and more tourists both domestic and foreign. " says Syafriandy.